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Self Portrait Project — Evan

Self Portrait Project — Evan: Car Show


My self-portrait project is about cars. I am specifically reviewing and will be examining a car, but I saw some videos of more cars at a car meet that I attended to undertake this self-portrait project. I have been obsessed with cars and they have been my hobby since I was three. I got into cars because I've seen them go down the highway quickly and I have been curious about them ever since. I was into cars, because of one called the Lamborghini Murcielago. The vehicles in my video are clips from my friends' cars, and I'm reviewing a Honda accord 2020 sport, in a beautiful blue color. I recently started to do photography for a car group. I hope you enjoy my video and I hope one day you will be fascinated by cars. My teacher, Mr. C, back in his younger days as a baseball player, owned a Ferrari and he has been the best teacher I could ask for and has helped me through a lot from the start.

See his presentation: