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Openings and Closings

Moving Up Day: early dismissal CG-12pm, LS-12:15pm, MS-3pm

Early Dismissal for CG & Lower School:

12:00pm - Children's Garden

12:15pm - Lower School (grades 1-5).

3:00pm - Middle School (grades 6 & 7): including lunch and participation in the 8th grade Graduation Ceremony. The MS will be dismissed from the ceremony around 3:00pm.

Early Dismissal-Last Day School

Last Day of School. Early Dismissal. School dismisses at 12 pm for CG and 12:15 pm for grades 1-8.

Gr 1-8 Closed-PT Conferences

School Closed for Grades 1-8 Closed for Parent Teacher Conferences. CG open full day.