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School Event

Opening Assembly-8:45am

Opening Assembly where rising 1st graders are greeted by 8th graders and led to join their class. Open to all. Location TBD.

What Works: the Waldorf Approach to Nature Studies

Michel Anderson (Ecoliteracy & Sustainability Coordinator, Nature Studies Teacher, and Forest Aftercare Coordinator) will be discussing the importance of immersing children in nature, and how the emerging philosophy of Ecoliteracy is infused into our Waldorf curriculum. Read More. Share on Facebook.

Robotics Club

The students will come at the end of the day directly from their class room to the art room. Please send with them an extra snack. The sessions will end at 5pm. Contact Edna Emmet with questions.

Robotics Club

The students will come at the end of the day directly from their class room to the art room. Please send with them an extra snack. The sessions will end at 5pm. Contact Edna Emmet with questions.

CG Parent Teacher Conferences

CG Parent Teacher Conferences begin at 1:30pm.Schedule for conference sign-up will be provided through PCR.