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School Event

Winter Assembly-10:45am-TH

Our Winter Assembly includes performances from the grades and will include the 3rd grade play. Open to all. 10:45 am, then 12:15 dismissal. 

Festival of Light-6:30pm-TH

6th, 7th & 8th students should arrive at 5:30pm for warm-up with their instrument and orchestra music.

5th grade students should arrive at 6:pm for warm-up.

(All students should arrive with orchestra dress (white collared dress shirt or a white top with sleeves; plain black pants or skirt, and black dress shoes, modest heel only) 

Waldorf Fair-10am-4pm

Entry price $2 for everyone except babies

Artisan Vendors
Live Music
Winter Faerie’s Grotto 
Family Crafts 
Jump Rope Making 
Marionette Show 
Pixilated Photo Booth
Food truck service, including Farm To Charm
And so much more!



After School Sports Basketball pre-season starts

After school sports session II (Basketball) starts on Nov 12, with 3 days of pre-season skills starting on Nov 6.  All middle school students are welcome to sign up. A permission form and an additional fee is due by Nov 2. Runs Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.