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Elementary School

Elementary School

The Waldorf Lower School educates the whole child - head, heart, hands.
The Waldorf Lower School educates the whole child—head, heart, hands.

Waldorf Education defies the conventional compartmentalization of knowledge, offering an integrated approach that transforms learning into a rich adventure. In the critical first five grades, students lay the foundation for a lifelong love of learning. By blending imagination with academic lessons, artistic activities, practical tasks, and a deep connection to the natural world, Waldorf provides a uniquely engaged educational experience characterized by depth, breadth, and beauty.

This immersive approach involves the heart, hands, and minds of grade-schoolers, making each subject consciously interdisciplinary. Painting, drama, music, storytelling, and hands-on experiences breathe life into lessons, aiming to create a dynamic learning experience that speaks to the whole child—head, heart, and hands.

At Waldorf, the school day unfolds with a distinctive rhythm, commencing with the immersive experience of the Main Lesson—an uninterrupted two-hour exploration that extends over two or more weeks. This intentional design allows students to delve deeply into a singular subject, fostering a profound understanding that transcends the boundaries of traditional compartmentalized learning. The Main Lesson serves as the cornerstone of Waldorf's educational approach, embracing a fully integrated methodology. Each thematic block is meticulously crafted to interweave academic content with artistic expressions such as storytelling, painting, music, and movement. This holistic approach transforms the learning process into a multifaceted experience, engaging not only the intellect but also the senses, emotions, and creativity of each student.

The continuity of the class teacher ("looping") maintained from first to fifth grade, fosters a deepening teacher-student relationship, providing Waldorf families with a sense of commitment and trust. This, along with the engaging, imaginative learning, looping, morning lesson system, and the creation of lesson books, sets Waldorf apart. Recognized by innovative educators, Waldorf's developmental curriculum has proven its success for over a century, cultivating intellectually curious, vibrant, happy, and well-adjusted young adults.

To learn more, inquire today, or email the Admissions Office or call: 410-367-6808, ext. 202