Second Grade
Second graders continue to strengthen the skills that were introduced in first grade, and by the time they are ready for third grade, they will have a remarkable level of mastery of core academic skills.
Eight-year-olds have a tendency to see the world in extremes, so in second grade, stories containing clear examples of good and bad are woven into the curriculum. Animal fables provide often humorous extremes of positive or negative human traits. Legends of people from around the world who have sacrificed for the common good show the amazing things of which humans are capable.
The second grade math curriculum builds students' comprehension of the four basic math processes. Second graders begin to work on place value, mental arithmetic, and word problems to sharpen their computational abilities. Clapping and movement games are used to reinforce memorization of math facts that are important to know as math becomes more abstract.
During second grade, students are placed into reading groups by skill level. All children read from books that are rich with the complexities of plot, character, and description. Stimulating interest and fascination creates an avid, active, learner.
To learn more, email the Admissions Office or call: 410-367-6808, ext. 202